Funnel Builder
Website Builder
Course Builder
Unlimited Contacts
Email Builder
Automation Builder
Form Builder
Survey Builder
Quiz Builder
Calendar Scheduling
Affiliate Manager
Yoga trainers
Unlimited Funnels
Unlimited Websites
Unlimited Stores
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Forms
Unlimited Surveys
Unlimited Quizzes
Unlimited Contacts
Unlimited Media Storage
Stripe & PayPal Integration
NMI & Square Integration
Razorpay Integration
Checkout Forms
Order Upsells & Downsells
Order Bumps
Payment Links
Email Marketing
Automation Builder
Social Planner
2 Way Email Conversations
Members Only Community
FREE Onboarding Training
Weekly Over The Shoulder Calls
1 on 1 Chat Support
Done For You Tech Support
50% Affiliate Commissions
Course Builder
In-App Upsells
Calendar Scheduling
Appointment Booking Bot
Review Management
Affiliate Manager
Documents & Contracts
Proposals & Estimates
One-Time & Recurring Invoices
Opportunities & Pipelines
Unlimited Sub-Users
3 Additional Sub-Accounts
1 on 1 Zoom Support
Live Webinars
Automated Webinars
WhatsApp Business Integration
Built-In Wordpress Hosting
Custom Branded Mobile App
FREE Platform Migration
Dedicated Account Manager
You can self-cancel anytime
Unlimited Funnels
Unlimited Websites
Unlimited Stores
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Forms
Unlimited Surveys
Unlimited Quizzes
Unlimited Contacts
Unlimited Media Storage
Stripe & PayPal Integration
NMI & Square Integration
Razorpay Integration
Checkout Forms
Order Upsells & Downsells
Order Bumps
Payment Links
Email Marketing
Automation Builder
Social Planner
2 Way Email Conversations
Members Only Community
FREE Onboarding Training
Weekly Over The Shoulder Calls
1 on 1 Chat Support
Done For You Tech Support
50% Affiliate Commissions
Course Builder
In-App Upsells
Calendar Scheduling
Appointment Booking Bot
Review Management
Affiliate Manager
Documents & Contracts
Proposals & Estimates
One-Time & Recurring Invoices
Opportunities & Pipelines
Unlimited Sub-Users
3 Additional Sub-Accounts
1 on 1 Zoom Support
Live Webinars
Automated Webinars
WhatsApp Business Integration
Built-In Wordpress Hosting
Custom Branded Mobile App
FREE Platform Migration
Dedicated Account Manager
You can self-cancel anytime
Unlimited Funnels
Unlimited Websites
Unlimited Stores
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Forms
Unlimited Surveys
Unlimited Quizzes
Unlimited Contacts
Unlimited Media Storage
Stripe & PayPal Integration
NMI & Square Integration
Razorpay Integration
Checkout Forms
Order Upsells & Downsells
Order Bumps
Payment Links
Email Marketing
Automation Builder
Social Planner
2 Way Email Conversations
Members Only Community
FREE Onboarding Training
Weekly Over The Shoulder Calls
1 on 1 Chat Support
Done For You Tech Support
50% Affiliate Commissions
Course Builder
In-App Upsells
Calendar Scheduling
Appointment Booking Bot
Review Management
Affiliate Manager
Documents & Contracts
Proposals & Estimates
One-Time & Recurring Invoices
Opportunities & Pipelines
Unlimited Sub-Users
3 Additional Sub-Accounts
1 on 1 Zoom Support
Live Webinars
Automated Webinars
WhatsApp Business Integration
Built-In Wordpress Hosting
Custom Branded Mobile App
FREE Platform Migration
Dedicated Account Manager
You can self-cancel anytime
Add-on services like Email, Phone numbers, Calls, SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Content AI, Review AI, Voice AI, Image AI, Workflow AI, Conversational AI are chargeable and is billed based on usage from your account wallet balance. When you start using one of these services, the system will auto recharge your account wallet balance with $10 and will deduct the charges from it. You can always check your wallet balance and add on service usage summage by clicking settings => my billing => wallet & transactions.
Additional tools like WhatsApp Integration, WordPress Hosting, Custom Branded Mobile App, Automated & Live Webinars, platform migration, 1 on 1 zoom support calls and additional sub accounts are available at an extra cost if you are choosing a plan that doesn't include these tools. Feel free to reach out to support through the help widget anytime you want one of them activated or if you want to upgrade your account.
We’re confident that our platform will give you everything you need to create, market, and deliver your offers online while helping you generate more leads. But here’s the deal — for this to work, we both need to do our part.
If you can promise to:
Follow the steps we’ve laid out for setting up your system.
Use the tools regularly to market your offers and track your leads.
Reach out to us if you ever need support or guidance.
Then we guarantee we’ll deliver the tools and resources to help you build a strong foundation for your online business and attract more leads.
This is a team effort. We’ll provide the platform and the know-how, and you bring the drive to make it happen!
We understand that you might have questions.. And we have answered most of them here.
No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because Marketers Lead Machine platform is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!
No! We created Marketers Lead Machine platform so you wouldn't have to have a whole I.T. department to run your website! Just login, start clicking, and you can build all of the pages in your funnel.
Yes! Security is our top priority, and we built Marketers Lead Machine platform from the ground up to make sure your funnels, subscribers, and members area are secure. You don't have to worry about staying up-to-date with "plugins" that can easily be compromised.
Yes! Because Marketers Lead Machine platform is hosted on the largest public cloud cluster in the world (powered by Google Cloud and backed up by CloudFlare Security + CDN) we have virtually unlimited ability to scale in real time. Whether you send 100 visitors or 100,000+ today, it won't slow us down!
There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use Marketers Lead Machine platform month to month, and cancel at any time you'd like!
You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. Marketers Lead Machine platform doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. Marketers Lead Machine platform is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!
Yes! We have a first class support team who can answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just click on the blue headset icon on the bottom right of any of our pages and choose contact support.
No, we're a hosted, "software-as-a-service" platform. We do this so that we can make sure you get all of the updates, new features, and so your funnels won't break. You can also export the HTML from any of your pages, as well as your contacts anytime you'd like...
As with most "software-as-a-service" platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible, but don't worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to download csv files of your contacts and members or "pause" your account for a maintenance fee and we'll keep everything backed up waiting so you can come back again later!
Simply click the headset icon on the bottom right corner of the screen and click "Manage Billing" button or go to our billing portal here.Login with your email address and cancel your subscription in just a few clicks.
Yes, while we suggest to only use Marketers Lead Machine platform to run your company, we also know that some of you have your own favourite tools you've used in the past, so we integrate with most of the top service providers to make your funnel building process even more fun!
Of course. :) We guarantee that you'll LOVE Marketers Lead Machine platform, and if for some reason you decide later that you don't want to be a member anymore, then we'll happily cancel your account without any penalties or fees. We don't believe in any long term contracts so you can come and go as you please.
Serving Customers Since 2021